Time: May 31, 8:30pm-9:30pm
Venue: Gym4, CityU Sports Center
Last week we got familiar with the first half of the program, this time we will dance through the whole show!
You may preview the program here: 
If you are interested, join our facebook group http://www.facebook.com/groups/forevereveryoung/ and click "going" on the corresponding event page. 
They say singing can vent your negative emotions and perk up your vigour, so it may be counted as a way to keep young and fit. Let's gather this saturday to hum or howl out whatever we want!

If you wish to join, follow us on facebook at  http://www.facebook.com/groups/forevereveryoung/  and click the "going" botton on the event page!
We will do the first half of the video twice, that is, part1-part8, to get familiar with the dance steps.
Let everybody take everybody to the dance floor!
We will have a second round of Body Combat in Gym 4 at 8:30 pm this thursday. The same as last time, we will practise with the following video:
Last time most of us went through the whole workout and were still pumped with energy afterwards, which was awesome: )This time, we aim to follow the video better, correct our moves and show more power!
You may check out the photos for the last body combat workshop here!
We are happy to unveil officially our Club Logos!
Both having the tone of verdant green, the logos varies in styles: one is a bit cooler, while the other with a light-hearted nature. Since the designer prefers to stay low-key, we will not disclose his name here; however, we would like to extend to him our sincere gratitude and wish him joy and fulfilment in every aspect of life.
The more cheerful variant is backgrounded with little bendy figures and finger-like patterns. Hope that  in physical exercises, every of us can extend power to the fingertips, and in life, we can also stretch out for the top end!
Once you are in the ring, you can never quit.
To bolster the morale, we've decided that anyone who can finish the whole workout without taking a break will be crowned King/Queen of Limbs of the Body Combat Workshop. Hope we can all be rulers this time!
designed by Mr.Fu
We would like to applaud Dr. Hao and Mrs Hao for their generous sponsorship of Hi-Fi stereo speakers. The upgraded acoustic equipment will kick-start our music journey to fitness this thursday!
We hope that we can live up to the kind wish and warm-hearted support of the nice couple ^.^

Club Logo designed by Mr. Fu
Program: Les Mills Body Combat 42 (有氧搏击)
Time: 8:30pm until 9:30pm, Thursday, May 10, 2012
Venue: Gym4,CityU Sports Center
时长1小时,随来随跳,但请之前自行稍稍热身,不支可中途尽情离场饮水: )